intelliAd Blog


AdWords intelliAd @en

Data Analysis: The impact of the Google ad changes on desktop SEA ads

adwords analyse

On 22nd February 2016 Google matched its ad placements on desktops with mobile searches. Instead of three ads above the organic search results and a flexible number of ads to the right, there will now be four ads shown above and three below the organic search, as is currently found on smartphones and tablets. This reduction in ads on the first results page has not led to price increases as was feared at first. We have analyzed for you, what consequences this has for advertisers.

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Analysen intelliAd @en

Christmas Shopping 2015 – intelliAd Customer Journey Analysis

Christmas shopping is increasingly happening online: More than half of consumers purchased Christmas gifts on the internet in 2015. Accordingly, Christmas season is make or break time for many online shops. to help you maximize your profits, we’ve analysed when and where consumers make their choices and what influences their purchasing decisions during christmas shopping.

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intelliAd @en Uncategorized

intelliAd Customer Journey Analysis – Marketers start the Christmas offensive too late

The Christmas season is the most important time of year for many companies: In many branches both sales as well as advertising spend experience a significant rise. In our most recent study you learn amongst other things: What are the various phases of Christmas trade and which ones are particularly profitable? When does Christmas shopping peak and when does the hype come to an end? What errors should marketers try to avoid in this period?

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intelliAd Customer Journey Analysis – When does online shopping peak?

Peak online spending coincides with prime TV time (8pm to 11pm). This has been shown by our current customer journey analysis which examined around 1.2 million online purchases from eleven sectors (including fashion, travel, electronics) between 1st April and 20th June 2015. Webshops not only register more traffic during prime time but also the best conversion rate and above-average order sizes. E-commerce therefore shares its peak revenue generating periods with TV prime time. The use of mobile end-devices such as smartphones and tablets is also disproportionately stronger during prime time. They account for around 40% of traffic and one quarter of all conversions.Read More


Customer journey TV

TV Triggering – ensuring full online shopping baskets

TV and internet are the main advertising channels for many advertisers in the e-commerce sector. The sector spent a total of 1.4 billion Euros on TV advertising in 2014 – but the stimulus effect of TV has so far not been effectively tapped into in order to increase performance in the web. With our new solution, TV Triggering, advertisers can now match their online marketing intelligently to TV spots in real time. This provides optimal visibility, higher conversion rates and therefore fuller shopping baskets. Everything can be controlled transparently on one platform with intelliAd’s own technology solutions. intelliAd complements its entire tracking and optimisation toolkit with TV Triggering which, in this constellation, is unique in online marketing.

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intelliAd launches Dynamic Attribution

A total of 13.3 billion Euros was spent by German companies in the first half of 2015 on advertising. But which channel makes what contribution to the buying decisions of customers? We are now offering advertisers the opportunity to use dynamic attribution modelling for optimal control of their advertising channels and measuring their success. Familiar static attribution models (e.g. the last click model) have merely evaluated the position of touchpoints within the customer journey. With Dynamic Attribution intelliAd has created self-learning modelling which relies on intelligent algorithms. This results in the best possible mapping of the actual advertising effect. Read More


Customer journey

Growing influence of mobile internet usage

Only 15% of decision makers for online marketing in Germany use cross-device tracking through which the surfing behaviour of users across different devices can be tracked. Almost three quarters of decision makers (71%) do not use it currently but wish to do so in the future. Only for 14% of those surveyed is the subject lower down on the priority list. These are the results of one of our current surveys in which 125 decision makers from the online marketing sector participated during May 2015.Read More
