intelliAd Blog


Customer journey

Cross-Device Tracking Analysis: How Germany Buys via Tablets

We are happy to present you the results of a current customer journey analysis. We analysed over one million online purchases made between 15th January and 15th April 2015 in a total of ten sectors and product areas.

The most important findings: Tablet computers in Germany are the devices for relaxed shopping on the couch. Sunday is therefore the most popular day for online shopping via iPads et al. in terms of revenue and conversion rate. However, users who make online purchases on a tablet need significantly longer than buyers who surf the internet using a desktop PC or smartphone. There are also large differences between individual sectors and products.

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Strong partnership: intelliAd and Beaconinside

intelliAd, the leading technology company in the 360° optimisation of all performance marketing activities and Beaconinside, a technology provider offering tailored iBeacon solutions have formed a strategic partnership. Companies can now seamlessly integrate the POS into the customer journey and target their customers with optimal, relevant content thanks to the intelligent merger of market-leading holistic tracking software and Beacon hardware. Software and hardware “made in Germany” guarantees data protection and data security. The top 3 branches of the Turkish retailer e-bebek will be immediately equipped with Beacons as part of the first joint project.

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14 Requirements for Successful Beacon Projects

A lively debate is currently taking place about the future of beacons, the little Bluetooth transmitters. Will beacons be around for the long-term in Germany or are they simply a fad? Our COO Mischa Rürup summarises the learning effects of the first beacon installations so that you can make sure that your future beacon campaigns will be successful.

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Optimale Start-Up Strategie

Start-Ups sind der beste Weg für große Unternehmen, Digital-Kompetenz, Know-How und Zukunftschancen zu akquirieren – das sagt einer, der es wissen muss:
Florian Heinemann, ehemals Geschäftsführer von Rocket Internet und Kopf hinter Zalando, ist einer der Rockstars der deutschen Start-Up Szene. Jetzt ist er mit seinem Incubator “Project A Ventures” selbst als Investor und Business Angel unterwegs.  Auf den #OMR15 verät er Mischa Rürup im Interview für die W&V außerdem, was andere Unternehmen hinsichtlich Start-Up Strategie von der Pharmaindustrie lernen können:



intelliAd SEA SEO

SEO vs. SEA: Synergieeffekte, Dos & Don‘ts

Während in der Vergangenheit die Frage “SEO oder SEA?“ besonders in SEO-Szene oft nur mit der Aussage „Natürlich SEO, ich gebe doch kein Geld für Klicks aus!“ beantwortet wurde, sollte heute jedem professionellen Online-Marketeer klar sein, dass es nicht darum geht, SEO als Substitut für AdWords oder umgekehrt zu sehen, sondern den effektivsten Mix beider Kanäle zu finden. Read More
